Tips for the next cohort

edited March 2023 in Archived

What advice would you give to the next cohort? Please share with them the challenges they will face and how to overcome them. Tell them how to not just survive, but to succeed? Any tips will be appreciated.


  • Hi Katy

    I have had difficult time trying to identify the homework. In many instances I submitted homework late.


    Facilitators should allocate enough time to explain the homework and what to do on Friday.

    Participants should dedicate minimum of 2 hours every day on the course to be able to succeed very well and not to just survive in SLMTA 3 course

    Especially for participants that will be combining office work with SLMTA 3 course, always plan to do and submit homework 72 hours before the live session. Don't wait until 48 hours before the deadline.

    From Aminu Suleiman

  • CHALLENGE - late submission of home work

    TIP - use friday after the 2:30hr session to continue watching the presentations, they are relatively short, and do the homework. It is difficult to leave it and come back to it later.

    CHALLENGE - internet connectivity

    TIP - secure a back up plan if the main device or WIFI fails. However, it becomes difficult if the problem emanates from the network provider but just make sure on your part you are set. For example, have a computer and a phone handy. Have enough data.

    CHALLENGE- Time management

    TIP- if you are exhausted on friday and cannot continue with watching presentations, schedule a convenient time or day when you are fresh and complete your work before the Wednesday timeline.

  • For an exciting successful journey and not just to survive, two important things I have seen as hindrances:

    1. Not submitting homework on time:

    It is so frustrating to start homework at the last minute (Tuesdays or Wednesdays). It is very important to plan, and create time for homework to avoid last minute rush, poor performance and late submission.

    1. Poor internet connectivity: Always have a backup. This isn't enough. Before the meeting starts, make sure you can connect, make sure the system (phone, computer...) you are using is responding.
    1. Those not working in a laboratory should identify a lab they will use for their homework
    2. Use weekend for homework
    3. Ensure you attend all office hours for additional information on homework and learn from others the challenges and strategies for implementing QMS
    4. Use the WhatsApp forum to interact with others on the challenges you face and seek advice
    5. Arrange downloaded videos and materials according to each week
    6. Make sure you have a printer with you to print assignments requiring cut outs
  • Suggested tips to succeed in the SLMTA 3 e-learning course.

    1, Before the program starts print the weekly assignment and due dates, this will greatly guide you.

    2. Download videos and resources for the next week immediately after the Friday session, why not before if you have time

    3. Create a folders and labeled them due dates of homework and safe the resources as per week in each folder. This is will help you to easy locate the homework, so that you did not need to always login to the website

    4. Always have a backup for power and internet.

    5 The printed assignment list, what to do and due dates of submission should always be within reach.

    Always ask questions from the facilitators or to participants on the WhatsApp group whenever you have doubts or any challenge.

    • I suggest that the Employer should be given the terms and condition (especially workload) of the training so that participant will be with less responsibilities to be fully committed to the training.
    • Always have backup to to the backup.
    • The office hour session should be recorded.

  • Challenge : in the beginning of the training it was difficult for me to manage the time between my work and the training.

    My advice : - use weekend for homework.

    -To maximize the benefit from this training take your time viewing the recorded videos, job aids before the office hour, in case you any question or clarification it will be addressed in the office hour.

    -Have aback up internet or modem.

  • The SLMTA training program is intense. It is an active learning platform involving self-study and application. If you have a busy work schedule - time management and discipline is crucial.

    Set aside uninterrupted time for homework and try to attempt/complete tasks before the office hour – so you can ask for clarifications and/or gain optimal benefit from the group’s questions before you submit your weekly homework. 

  • This needs full commitment and dedication to the program, do your homework a head of time, download the videos whenever possible to watch anytime anywhere, ensure stable internet. If possible dedicate a day for the workshop studies. I dedicated all Saturdays, it paid off. i always submitted my assignment on this day- most of the time if not all.

    Great course if you want to demystify ISO15189

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