1.Inhouse control traceablity for hematology

edited March 2023 in Archived

Most of the time Quality control material for automated haematology analyzer has short expired date and we are facing expiration or stock out of this material, in this case we are arging to use inhouse control which only tells the precision but how can we asure the traceablity of this in hose procedure? I am looking for your experience when your control expired or stock out.


  • perhaps doing equipment comparability studies with another laboratory with an equipment that is verified and on EQA scheme

  • I think hematology EQA samples can be used

  • It is true that you get precision, but I may think about using the Coefficient of variation to monitor the precision

  • while one acquires new batch of commercially prepared controls, it is often important to run them along side the inhouse generated one such that in case of stock out, the later can act as a back up!

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