Safety-Liquid Waste with GTC Content Generated from our PCR Laboratories

The amount of Guanidinium Thiocyanate (GTC) generated in our standard and mega laboratories is so worrisome, and this is giving a lot of concerns to laboratory standardization and the safety of laboratory personnel. Are there ways you treat/handle these carcinogenic wastes from the molecular diagnostics equipment before they are taken away from your laboratory?


  • We (International Laboratory Brach) at CDC are currently working to get CDC approval for associated protocols that detail our latest considerations and guidance for VL/EID lab molecular waste containing GTC. Once that is approved we will be moving forward with field tryouts of the guidance to adapt it for specific country resources (Nigeria is a participating country). We are hopeful that we will be able to begin getting the updated guidance to the countries soon. (Sent on behalf of Monte Martin)

  • Thank you for the information, Malawi will be looking forward to that too

  • South Sudan will be looking forward for the guidance on the same issue of molecular waste

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