Wanted - Feedback and suggestions for the ECHO sessions

edited March 2023 in Archived

We are curious to hear from you about how we can improve the ECHO sessions to better meet your needs. If you have not attended any ECHO session, why not? If you have, how can we make them better?


  • The ECHO session today was very enriching indeed, and opened my eyes and ears to think beyond the PDSA. The only challenge was basically inadequate time to ask questions. Thank you

  • I strongly support the Echo session.

    The only challenge I had today, there was a link that was shared on WhatsApp group and then there was one that was provided when you register. What helped me was that I used different gadgets to log in separately hence one succeeded.

    Therefore, just a reminder and clarification for me is key. However, Echo sessions are worth the time.

    Thank you

  • edited August 2021

    It was interesting. It make me see PDSA in different perspective. However the time was too short to entertain ideas and questions. The previous ECHO section was also great. I'm looking forward to attend it every other Thursday.

    Thank you!

  • Hello Katy

    The feedback I received from Janet and Beatrice was excellent!, and the laboratory staff manifested the suggestions and worked on improvements. In the first ECHO session, I again observed that we were pressed for time for the last three participants where the facilitators rushed the discussion....where more could have been discussed if there was ample time.

    I suggest that the ECHO sessions should be divided into two groups, where a group alternatively participate weekly. We will have less number of participants in a group and more time for the facilitators to spend with the participant with their QIP's. Also, some participants will express more openly and proactively indulge in conversation when there is less number of participants and ample time allocated for discussion.

    The other option is to have breakout groups in an ECHO session where the participants are again allocated to specific facilitators.....Less number of participants per group and more time to discuss your QIP's with the facilitators for an hour.

    Thank you Katy for the question.

  • Thank you facilitator team to organize this echo session.The topic was good and the presenter mastered the topic.

    The only challenge was that the time for presentation was to short.Today echo was very busy with a lot of work to accomplish in just one hour (IP mentorships and presentation)

    It is better for next time you provide the materials or link where we can read the topic and then the presenter come to clarify what we have already read.

    For next echo session,it is better to take just one topic in order to have enough time to master the subject.

    It is better to increase the time allocated to this session for at least two hours .

    Finally thank you for organizing this echo session the topic was wonderful, by DMAIC the PDCA cycle is clear now to my side

  • It was my first time to hear about the topic, I enjoyed it but the challenge was time allocated. By the time I was following then boom time was up.

    I think if the material can be sent prior to the session so that during the session it is not the new information and is easy to follow.

    Thank you for Katy and the all the facilitators for the unfailing support in trying by all means to help our laboratories to own quality in accord to international standards.

  • ECHO Session are usefull assest for quick learning and sharing exprience , i would suggest the follwing for future improve:-

    1- Time allocated for the session i think one hour is less specially topic are so interest to be discusses

    2- if possible the course participant could be given chance/as to resent to present thier experience and achievement

    otherwise best wishes

  • @Babiker John Mayuol MAJOK , the design of the ECHO sessions is indeed for participants to present their improvement projects (their plans, improvement progress, with data). We have been doing this for Cohort #1 participants. It will be your turn soon. When the time comes, I hope everyone will participate.

  • Hello Katy,

    From the Echo sessions I have attended, I must say that it is a good forum for us (participants) to broaden our knowledge on various QMS elements. My feedback is making the forum participatory to make us learn from one another through what various facilities have implemented or are planning to implement in the near future.

    We can reconsider having additional 30 minutes to ensure people can learn adequately. We could also ask participants what topics they would like to be discussed.

    Thank you for the great job you are doing.

  • In response to Katy suggestion above, i would prefer that we do not split into groups during ECHO session, reason being, we collectively participate as one class and its easier to move together. The better option in my opinion is to allocate more time of about 30-45minutes.


  • already imporvement projects are captured with many changes going on in places , this cousre is execellent oppertunity to change our labs on time.

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