Sustaining energy and motivation in the final weeks of the course

edited March 2023 in Archived

We have gone through two-thirds of the 15-week course. With 5 more weeks to go, how are you holding up?  Do you feel exhausted? The final module will have brand new content for most of you and the workload increases. Any suggestions or tips on how to keep your energy and motivation high?


  • Sure Katy, it has been quite a journey. its the final lap and that is what keep me going; Its week 10 yes yes yes

    The last module is of interest to me as most labs struggle with occurrence management and internal auditing.

  • It's been a worthy journey. I feel more excited now because I become more enlightened as the weeks go by in this course. My strategy going forward is to start my homework earlier so that I can cover the heavier workloads particularly for next week's homework.

  • May be a slmta song can also be put as an energizer especially when the response rate of the participants during the session goes low. Some times a low responsiveness means the participants are bored or have gotten destructed since its outside the classroom learning. Nevertheless, am more motivated than ever before since most of my challenges are to be addressed in this last module.

  • It is an exciting and fulfilling journey sofa. My enthusiasm to attend keeps increasing by the week. My routine over the weeks completely changed not only to accommodate the course schedule but also to maintain the rhyme that came along. What has kept me refreshed is the anticipation to learn something new every week; how other people are doing it differently, but still meet standard requirements. Tuning my mind to learn has been a game changer and my motivation is "to be different and do things differently" after the course.

    I appreciate the faculty for making it possible for us to learn new concepts and to fellow participants for always sharing experiences which I have been able to tap a great wealth of knowledge from. I must confess already that in 5 weeks time I will certainly miss SLMTA.

  • Katy, honestly I feel exhausted, but yet very determined to go through especially because the final module addresses topics (management of NCs, most especially) that has always been an uphill task for me and my team.

  • The knowledge gained so far is worth all the exhaustion, thank you Katy and your team.

  • They Way the cousre were designed cant let me feel exhaust although of the weekly homework and videos , every friday i feel fresh 🤩and ready to learn more experience

    this is exciting learning ...... i am still energise 🏋️‍♂️

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