NEC for Quantitative testing

our lab has an ongoing recurrent trend of -1SD of 5 runs across materials without violating the 2SD rule used by the laboratory; on review of the causes of systematic errors, nothing seem to pin point the exact origin. what more we do to in improving the identification of the NEC?


  • Thank you Sunday. Can you clarify "based on your own system, is there a rule violated"? If yes, which rule? and do you end up rejecting the analytical run?

  • Hi Mr. Eldie

    Currently run rejection is based on the violation of the 2SD, however the Westgard rules consider this as a potential nonconformity. so we performed several possible cause of the trend, but no pin point cause has been detected. so my concern is for how long shall this trend remain valid to the quality control system?

  • Hi Maiku,

    In my opinion, constant -1SD QC results (5 runs) may indicate a negative drift and needs to be investigated. I'm not sure the platform you're using but this suggests that probably most of your value will be less!

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