Process Mapping

edited August 30 in Archived

Why is this so important to care of value stream mapping during process mapping?


  • Process mapping is an overall design that is developed to provide a way for completing work or a task, it must be cost effective, within organizational needs and budgets, customer friendly and produce quality results. The process mapping can be easier to understand if it is placed as a table that indicates the three phases e.g. Pre analytical; Analytical and Post Analytical

  • Process mapping is an important tool for identifying and eliminating redundant and unnecessary steps/activities in a process. It also helps to identify potential pitfalls and how to address them. By identifying how the output from other process forms the input into our processes and vice versa, it is easier for us to work more closely as a team to achieve a common goal. These culminate in reducing or eliminating wastes, improving efficiency and productivity, and adding value to our or work output.

  • Process mapping is like a dashboard that quickly notifies you if something is good or is in a mess. It provides an organized way of improving flow and evaluating issues that arise in the laboratory.

  • Process mapping increases visibility of actual laboratory processes and also assists in examining which activities have the greatest impact on workflow/process performance

  • Value stream mapping allow for an entire process to be visualized. It presents the opportunity to map the current process, identify the steps in the process that gets in the way of perfection and subsequently eliminate inefficiencies and deficiencies in the process.

    This ultimately provides information to improve the process through increased efficiency, waste reduction or elimination with improved service delivery, quality and value to the customer.

  • A value stream process mapping is important because, it gives a visualized quick reference to the flow of organizational processes that can be promptly analyzed and pitfalls picked instantly for the quality improvement of the system in place.

  • Because it ensure efficient workflow. when there is a good workflow, it will be easy for staff to develop procedure, work smoothly, and release accurate and reliable result within set up time frame. Therefore process map is the basic key to laboratory quality.

  • I think it will guide staff to feel confident in following the workflow, and they can possibly find the solution of their nonconformance by just following the process map

  • A process map breaks down the total testing process into steps to determine points that are at risk for failure. These risks are then evaluated using a risk matrix; however, it is not necessary to include every minute detail in the process, but enough detail should be included to identify areas of potential risks. It is important to map all laboratory processes to determine the most effective and efficient and meet the needs of the users. The path of workflow is an eye-opener to most of us so that we can implement effective and efficient process maps in our laboratory setups

  • every activity in the lab is based on a process map. i like the approach on this TOT, this was an eye opener. the good thing about a process map is one can able to identify the pros and cons of any process before implementation. developing a process map is a factual decision-making approach to any activity.

  • Based on what we have learnt from this course, process mapping is the essential part for path of workflow in laboratory. Once we have clear process, it can ensure sufficient workflow, reduce risk, save time, and increase more productivity. Moreover, it is feasible to write standard operating procedure based on this process as well and staff also be able to implement well when we have clear process. Importantly, it also can help us to identify the root cause of problem for proper corrective action when there was nonconformity identify. Therefore, lab should have all process related to all twelve quality system essential.

  • A value stream process mapping is crucial because it provides a quickly accessible visual representation of the organizational path of work flow especially during the product realization phase, allowing for quick analysis and the early recognition of potential non conformities for the system in place. This make it a tool for risk assessment.

  • Laboratory activities always follow a systematic approach. Once you miss a step in the process there is likely to be errors. when a well defined workflow is observed at the lab the lab becomes efficient. Therefore whenever there are errors the process has to be reviewed and the best way to review the process is to map the process.

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