Comparison between the SLMTA 3 classroom-based training and the eLearning course

edited August 30 in Archived

For those participants who had attended the 2019 SLMTA 3 in-person workshop in Johannesburg, please respond to the following questions:

  • What differences have you observed between these 2 versions?
  • What are their pros and cons?
  • Which version would you implement in your country, and why?


  • Attending a workshop in-person will enable hands on activities to be done exactly as requires unlike when using e-learning.

    PROS Of classroom based.

    High concentration of participants due to physical presentation.

    One on one communication hence no concerns of network failure

    CONS of classroom based.

    High cost of living due to change of location.

    PROS of e-learning

    Promotes independent learning

    Those participants who are full time working can take advantage of e-learning

    Interact online with anyone regardless of the distance and clear doubts

    If the lecture is recorded then you can listen as many times as possible to understand the concept.

    CONS of e-learning.

    Network failure.

    Incase of long session participant loose concentration.

    Participant should also be in a reliable power supply

  • E-learning course is cost effective unlike classroom course so i would choose to implement e-learning course which will olso enable me to reach a wide range of participants.

  • You have responded well Alice, and l totally concur with you.

    The version l would implement in my country is the e-learning because of the lower cost of roll out, and the ability to reach more participants.

  • Thanks @Alice Kyalo for your thoughtful responses. They were much appreciated. But please let me clarify. This question was intended for those who attended the 2019 Johannesburg face-to-face SLMTA 3 pilot and are now enrolled in this eLearning. They have a unique perspective on how these two compare.

  • A lot of effort has been put in place to improve the current E-learning course.

    ü The e-learning content has improved hence further illuminating ISO 15189 standard

    ü The learning material on video allows participants to view repeatedly and use it as a resource in a lifetime.

    ü Most of the videos and electronic job aids are accessible for use by many laboratories online at no cost.

    E-learning does not afford the physical relationship between facilitator and participants. Some participants are not much involved during webinars or office hours to allow facilitators assess their performances and assist them appropriately.

    Will use E-learning but support laboratories in QMS implementation (improvement projects)

  • I think when we attend onsite training we can have time to focus on the training spending shorter period but fully focus on the task.

    Although I never attend SLMTA course before but I can feel that classroom activities must be huge and dynamic if reflect from this online class.

  • Actually, I did not attend the 2019 SLMTA 3 in-person workshop. However, I could share some of my thought related these two approaches. The in-person workshop could build more communication rather than e-learning. Participants be able to talk to each other and keep on building their network more and more even after the class. Importantly, there will be deep memory on some happy movement together during class which is unforgettable. Moreover, homework design is focus more on group discussion, which is less burden than individual homework. Participant can interact with each other well than online class. In-person training, participants can focus more on their training than e-learning due to on e-learning participants could not stay focus only for training. They need to balance their work, their homework, and their family matter as well.

    However, in-person workshop/training also has its own disadvantages as well. In case participant lost concentration during the class they will lose some points with no back up plan. Instead, e-learning has a record video, then participants can watch it again and again on some unclear point that they lost during class. On another hand, e-learning can transfer accurate information than in-person workshop. Participants could share the record video to their colleagues. Then, the information transfer is still accurate from the initial training.

    Actually, the main purpose of all learning approaches is to share knowledge to all participants, and let them share to their colleague as well. Importantly, all facilitators always want all participants to help each other during the training and after the training. Both approaches are qualified and depend on situation based.

    Honestly speaking, e-learning is more useful in Covid-19 situation and cost effectiveness. However, I still prefer in-person training to implement due to participants can involve more than e-learning which based on actual situation in my country. But we will discuss more with management team on e-learning approach. 

  • Thank you all for your comments. For me, the eLearning has many advantages over in-person training:

    • More people get to attend this course. I am sure many of you wouldn't have the opportunity to benefit from this course if we only offer it in Johannesburg as a classroom based training workshop.
    • The impact is immediate and far-reaching - In the classroom based version, those lab processes (i.e., personnel management, inventory management, equipment management, etc.) you map are generic using the steps provided by the facilitators. In eLearning, you map your own lab's processes, and immediately you could see the gaps and opportunities for improvement. Most of the homework is grounded in your lab's realities. In classroom-based training, you have to wait until you go back home to start implementing, and you have to figure out how to translate your learning into implementation (if you remember it at all). With this eLeanring, you are already implementing as the course progresses. Because of the structure of the eLearning (which spans over multiple months), master trainers are able to review everyone's homework and provide relevant feedback. In a 2-week intensive workshop, facilitators would not have the necessary time to do so.

    Of course, there are downsides to eLearning compared to in-person training. The biggest shortcoming in my view is, it is hard to build interpersonal relationships. That is what I missed the most. Of course, having to juggle between a full-time job and the heavy course workload is a huge challenge to the participants as well.

  • well at the beginning it was like an elephant in the room merely because this was never implemented in our setups. technology is moving in the right direction and we need to keep it. things are always complicated at the beginning but in fact, they are not. eLearning is best because it will allow you to keep up with your daily work. there is room for more interactions looking at the period that is given. more ideas generate especially when we discuss a topic and go back to our lab setups and come back with a well thoughtful approach.

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