Occurrence Management

edited August 30 in Archived

What is the difference between an incident and an accident and what are the steps to take when dealing with each?


  • Incident is what happen in the lab (another word I should call occurrent), it would be with or without injury but it is sure that it must be something out of norm or defined processes)

    Accident is what happens that related to injury.

    For me, i think this 2 events could be address similarly and the intensity of the problem will be evaluated to identify the process in corrective or preventive action to be taken.

  • Incidence/occurrence is something that nonconformance to any procedure in the lab.

    Example: staff do not wear PPE while working in the lab

    Accident is an unpredict thing that happen in the lab that that effect to staff or customer.

    Example: staff got needle injury while perform blood collection

  • To Alice

    You can define what terminology you are going to use in your laboratory system occurrence management procedure. Both Vanny and Kimsorn have given good examples.

  • Occurrence is a circumstance that happened unintentionally and incidence can be an occurrence appearing in a short lived duration.

    Both incidence and occurrence may lead to failure to fulfil the requirements of a specified process, structure or service. Incidence and occurrence are symptoms of problem in the implementation of quality management system

  • Hi Alice. In terms of laboratory biosafety, I can state that an incident is an occurrence that does not become in consecuence and nobody gets any damage; on the other hand, an accident is related when someone gets damage for uninteltionally event. In both cases, it is important to take a inmediatelty action and report the event. Clinical laboratory also has an internal procedures and reports for addressing these events.

    I hope I can help you.

    See you


  • Occurrence management is very important in our laboratories because it focuses on dealing with laboratory errors. We are talking about errors or near misses that emerge in the laboratory process and how they are identified or handled. The goal of an occurrence management program is to correct the errors in either testing or communication that result from an event and to change the process so that the error is unlikely to happen again. from my experience In most cases, these errors occur if there are no written procedures in place or lack of inadequate training given to staff.


  • Both incident and accident are events. An incident is an event that can be intentional or unintentional that may not necessarily result in harm or injury, and is usually referred to as an occurrence that happens due to failure to fulfill certain set requirement, for example, in the lab, the standard ISO 15189 requires that we store our lab commodities, reagents in a designated specified area not mixed with food items. So, if our reagent fridge is found to contain both reagent and food in the lab is a serious non-conformity to standard, it is an occurrence, an incident. so, it calls for corrective action.

    An accident is an unintentional event that normally will result in harm or injury. It will definitely call for immediate corrective action to treat the harm, then followed by a root cause analysis to corrective action.

    Esther P.

  • I agree that both are events.

    What we found befitting in our setting is to use the term Incident in the context of the NCE process whilst the term Accident is used in the context of our Occupational Health and Safety program implementation however, it can be defined within your own setting the way it suits you best.

    The NCE follows the normal process of investigation, RCA and Corrective action while the accident reporting, investigation and corrective action process also include mandatory processes/steps as dictated by Social Security Commission when staff were involved in the accident.

  • An incident is a non-conformity (failure to meet a predetermined requirement), or an occurrence that can be intentional or unintentional, may or may not cause harm or injury.

    An unintentional incident known as an accident typically causes harm or injuries. 

    Both events (incident & accident) require immediate action, root cause analysis and corrective action.

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