For those who already got a lab accredited, why are you here?

edited August 30 in Archived

I am curious! Many of you have successfully led your laboratories to ISO accreditation, which means you already know the standards well. Are you learning new knowledge/skills/insights? If yes, please describe them. Or are you just here to become a trainer? Thanks.


  • Dear Dr. Katy,

    Of course, I have these two objectives including learning new thing and become a qualify trainer. The new things that I have learned is internal audit, management review, nonconformity management, root cause analysis, method validation, risk assessment, and preventive action. Importantly, the process development. I always wonder what is process. However, after attending this course, I understand it well. So far, I just search and read the document on the internet, and I never received such comprehensive training. Absolutely, this course builds my knowledge well.

    Moreover, I have another dream and I want more labs in Cambodia to get ISO15189 accreditation. Therefore, to be qualify, I need to attend a proper training on how to be trainer, facilitator, and mentor. By doing so, I can improve my knowledge and I am qualified enough to provide training to other labs with accurate information and right method.

    Last but not least, I can ask question which I doubt so far and I can learn the teaching method as well. It is crucial that I never know before. I can adopt this method on the right time and learn from other participants as well.

    In conclusion, I would like to express deep thank for Dr. Katy, all trainers, and all facilitators. I have learned more and more and knowledge build inside step by step. 

    Best regards,


  • Upon receiving accreditation was the beginning to live with Quality. But the accreditation was one part of recognition of quality and competence. Moreover, accreditation was not a destination because it needs to be sustained and maintained. I consider continue improvement which each time some innovative ideas or skills are required to fulfil the customer needs. Further to that, the I am eager to have more knowledge of utilizing National and International Standards that would be applied through my career.

    Personally, I have gained good understanding of ways of doing analysis of processes of Quality System essentials relevant to ISO Standards.

     I have a feeling that this is an opportunity to enable using process approach in order to ensure that the accredited laboratory continue to sustain its accreditation status, but also to expand the scopes. Through this training among other things, I have learned that errors are enemies of Quality Management System and the only way to reduce errors is to determine them through implementation of laboratory quality processes and their analysis.

     I will share my knowledge to educate my fellow laboratorians and non-laboratorians on the “Just Culture” and different skills.

     I have practically found that many skills that I have acquired in this training, they are useful to support Laboratory services with regards to Quality, Quality Management System and accreditation at large.

  • You never stop from learning new things on QMS. There is a lot to learn from facilitators and other participants. Obvious from my roles and responsibilities i need to support laboratories maintain accreditation and starting to implement.

  • Katy there are endless reasons for being here one of which is to ensure that there are increased laboratories in our country getting accredited and in this case with the new knowledge gained from this course it can be transferred to other laboratories and help them to be accredited.

    Secondly Getting accredited should be the beginning of our beautiful dreams in making sure that we are the best we can be in Laboratory Quality Management system. This brings out our outstanding passion to ensure that quality is practiced everywhere in our laboratories across the continent.

    Gaining more knowledge on quality issued gives confidence even in coordinating and training others, doing Supportive supervisions and also mentorships. Confidence in this inspires more laboratory personnel to practice and live a quality life in their laboratory setting.

    Also new things come up every now and then with more interesting tactics to handle situations therefore refresher trainings is more important.

  • I believe learning never ceases, even for the most learned. Hence, I am here to acquire more knowledge and learn from the facilitators' experiences and some of my co-participants who are very experienced in the ISO standard and LQMS implementation. My laboratory is not yet accredited to ISO 15189:2012 so I believe the knowledge and experiences gained from this course will come in handy as the implementation process is ongoing. I have really had a deeper understanding of the ISO 15189:2012 standard thanks to this course, and it cannot go without mentioning that my understanding of process mapping has greatly improved.

    Another reason why I joined this course is to be able to gain the capacity to be able to train others and mentor the other laboratories that are implementing or intend to implement LQMS. They are just a few laboratories in Ghana which are ISO 15189 accredited so I believe building my capacity in that direction will enable me to help my laboratory in the implementation and the preparatory process towards accreditation and also train and mentor other laboratories in the country in that regard.

  • Hi Katy,

    It is true that some part of this training are somehow familiar to what we used to practice in the lab where I worked with. However, the implementation of ISO 15189 requirements for accreditation is not always applicable in every laboratory. We always keep moving forward to learn more especially from our colleagues around the globe where the similar condition is faced. We learn the small trick that everyone try to invent to minimize the resource and yet to keep answer to standard requirements. This course also teach us to become a good trainer, to generate idea to support and encourage other laboratories how important the LQMS is really useful for their results to contribute to patient care.

    The statement of standard is the same but the way we translate it to action is still challenging and that's why we need to keep learning and keep working on improving ourselves.

  • In my opinion, SLMTA continues to be the vehicle for continuous improvement of the quality management system in our medical laboratory. For instance, this course is structured in a way that it teaches laboratory managers how to implement practical quality management systems in resource-limited settings using available resources.  It also teaches us basic principles of gradual improvement as well as breakthrough improvement across the quality management system. The key to maintaining accreditation is to continue to focus on the overall implementation of accreditation standards. Therefore, this course covered major important areas such as risk management and performance, management responsibilities, the path of workflow and evaluation, and continual improvement which were minimally covered in the previous SLMTA TOT program. Most importantly what I learn from this course even though I am coming from an accredited lab is to Constantly improve the proficiency and effectiveness of all processes, to ensure that there is always room to develop processes as a fluid approach rather than a static approach that may rely on outdated processes within the organization.


  • Yes, I have supported several laboratories to achieve National and International accreditation including ISO 15189, ISO 17043:2010 (General Requirements for Proficiency Testing) laboratories and currently supporting a Calibration center implementing ISO17025:2017 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories). However, accreditation is a mile stone in QMS implementation and not the end of the journey, Rick Pitino said “Excellence is the unlimited ability to improve the quality of what you have to offer”. For me therefore, I have had some wins but I need to improve on those wins to ensure I am current, learn how to do these things /implement in a better way to maximize the ever dwindling resources. The laboratories that have been accredited are required to maintain the accreditation by ensuring their QMS is maintained and the effectiveness is continuously improved.


    “The laboratory shall establish, document, implement and maintain a quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard” ISO 15189:2012 4.2.1


    The quest to ensure I am able to do this is one of my propelling force to improve on my knowledge of QMS and new strategies to get the job done.


    One major thing that I have learnt in the SLMTA 3 is the process based implementation as required by ISO 15189:2012, 4.2.1

    The quality management system shall provide for the integration of all processes required to fulfil its quality policy and objectives and meet the needs and requirements of the users. The laboratory shall:

    a) determine the processes needed for the quality management system and ensure their application throughout the laboratory;

    b) determine the sequence and interaction of these processes;

    c) determine criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and control of these processes are effective;

    d) ensure the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes;

    e) monitor and evaluate these processes;

    f) implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes.

  • I am in this course because I needed to horn my skills on teaching implementation of ISO 15189 especially using on line delivery model .QMS is evolving and there are new versions coming up even in the future and one will need to keep the accredited laboratories updated . The SLMTA 3 E-learning has taught me how to organize the contents of the standard in a process that is easily understood by laboratorians . There is high staff turn over in the accredited laboratories that I support and the new hires are not familiar with ISO 15189 from their pre-service training . The curriculum in Kenya does not incorporate ISO 15189 training at both pre and in -service and the graduates have to learn this on the job . Since 10 facilities in the project that I work for are accredited , an online curriculum delivery model will expand my reach to the laboratories more efficiently compared to face to face training of the new hires . Besides so many aspects of ISO 15189 that were not clear to me before have been illuminated and I am now confident to teach them to others !

  • Dear Katy

    I am coming from an accredited lab its true, but there is no end to learning. I for one am at a reference lab, we need to get as many lower level laboratories and tests ISO 15189 accredited. With that in mind, I am interested in being one of the trainers to ensure overall laboratories quality landscape in my country improves. So a great part of my being here is to learn/qualify on how to teach/deliver/unpack the Medical Laboratory standard.

    SLMTA gives opportunity to link and associate with Quality gurus (regionally and internationally). Such linkages enrich consultative forums when needs arise.

    Aside the TOT aspect of our learning, I have gained especially of the root cause analysis and NCE overall management. I have loved the use of calendar to manage lab activities-and the overall improvement of LQMS understanding.

    In fact this course has heightened my passion to ensure Zimbabwe remain on the map in provision of accredited lab services, many countries regionally are on it, why should we be left behind in this are… I’m here… so are many many Zim team members


    Thanks Katy


  • Hello Katy,

    The laboratory I work for got accredited back in the year 2012, that was way back before I joined the lab. Most of the staff had been trained on various components of ISO 15189:2012. Since the laboratory was accredited, more training funds were directed toward the laboratories that were on their journey towards accreditation (which makes sense due to limited resources). Although our colleagues trained us on what they had learned, I felt that joining this course would increase my knowledge on implementation of ISO15189 and also give back to my colleagues any new knowledge gained.

    I also wanted to gain skills on how to deliver information to upcoming laboratories on their journey towards accreditation.

    The process based approach I have learned since I joined the course have been very beneficial for me and my colleagues and we have already started implementing some of the components I have learned.

    I am glad to be here.

    Thank you,


  • Oh yes I worked in an accredited lab even before attending my first SLMTA ToT and now my current role is to prepare labs for accreditation. This training however is providing a learning opportunity for me to prepare new labs for accreditation and support the accredited ones to sustain accreditation. Some of the activities and interaction confirmed the fact that you can't over learn implementation of QMS. Learning from others here also provided opportunity to learn better ways of addressing some areas of QMS from the presentation of other participants. Its really worth the effort. Thank you Dr Katy and the entire team.

  • Hi Katy, i once participated in preparing a laboratory that was later accredited before I ever attended any SLMTA Course. It was an exploratory and extra- ordinary experience but learnt a lot that inspired me. However, in the current training, I have learnt in-depth concepts of internal audit, root cause analysis, method validation (big time!!). I have also realized that use of process map is key to risk assessment, identification of NCEs and mitigation. To be sincere, I never received this current training before and I can assure you this is a life changing course. It is my wish and hope to see more laboratory personnel acquire such training such that the face of laboratory medicine can change especially in the sub-Saharan Africa. Many thanks Dr Katy and our esteemed trainers, and facilitators.

    Sincere regards

  • Personally, I was pretty knowledgeable on the Implementation of ISO 15189 requirements, given that I have supported 6 Laboratories through mentorships to achieve ISO 15189 accreditation and over 10 to achieve a SLIPTA 3-star score. With all this experience, I should say that I needed this training more than anyone else. This is because I have sharpened my knowledge and skills in establishing, documenting, implementing, and documenting Laboratory Quality Management Systems. Furthermore, I have been molded into a facilitator through the TOT sessions that we have had and also by watching how the facilitators have taken us through the course. 

    I have developed skills to facilitate, create and manage a learner-based environment. 

    I feel I have been able to develop and enhance my training, facilitation, and learning practices.

    I feel I can facilitate learning sessions using appropriate training methods, learning enabling techniques, and use of Zoom (ICT)

  • Dr Katy, Implementation and maintaining Laboratory Quality Management System is a continuous process, since adherence to standard requirements will always have a buy in of Quality improvement process. So, actually after attaining Lab accreditation, maintaining the accreditation status to me, its another journey, of big milestone ahead that needs multiple focus to quality, that calls for more learning, more insights from peers that may help me even perform better. Just from this course, there is personal growth in terms of QMS concepts, I'm learning so much, performing the activities enhances motivation to quality and new skills are acquired. And after acquiring the knowledge and skill, it has to be multiplied by sharing with other colleagues, and that is my wish, as SLMTA TOT.

    So we never stop learning until the energy to learn gets diminished.

  • Achieving accreditation status for a laboratory is indeed an achievement however, to maintain accreditation continuous improvement is required. Any accredited laboratory should therefore embarked upon the journey of continuous quality improvement and in doing look at strategies to train new and current staff on quality concepts and continuous improvement tools. The latter will be a cornerstone and ensure continuous improvement of the quality management system.

    New concepts and tools to improve the QMS will empower me as a participant to share back with my colleagues and implement tangible improvements in our network of laboratories. This will ultimately support continuous improvement of our QMS implementation.

  • Hi Dr. Katy:

    That´s a very interesting question. First, learning never ends. The most we learn, the most we can teach and keep improving. I decided to be in this course because I consider that Slmta gives us powerful skills for implement a quality management system in the clinical laboratory and also knowledges and skills for learning and teach. Even though, I had the opportunity to be part of the laboratory accreditation with the ISO 15189, however, I got the neccesity for improve the methods, gain more experience of learning and teaching (being master trainer); and continue sharing the knowledge and skills to improve the QMS in the laboratory in order to prepare more public health laboratories in Peru for the ISO 15189 accreditation. That´s why I am here.

  • I agree with you. When some laboratory is accredited in this case with the ISO 15189, the next step is to keep the QMS maintenance and propose tangibles improvement in order to make the QMS effectively, measurable and sustainable. In this way, SLMTA method and TOT are powerful skills for enhanced knowledge, implementation, and teaching.

  • Although i am coming from a accredited lab. i just realized in module 4 that management review is the heart of the laboratory because major decisions of quality management systems depends on the input and output of the management review where by major decisions are made and if they are not carefully reviewed they might drain the organization

  • Achieving accreditation is one milestone, maintaining accreditation is another. l have learnt a lot from this training to assist the labs l am supporting to maintain accreditation. l strongly feel this training has prepared me for the new ISO 15189 standard which focuses more on PROCESSES and risk management.

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