Thoughts on Your Teachback Experience

edited August 30 in Archived

Now that you have experienced the online Teachback, can you share your experience and feedback about this unique approach to TOT? Was the approach effective? Was the feedback helpful? What was your biggest lesson learned? Any comments are welcome and appreciated.

  • For those who have attended our TOT previously, I am curious about what you think about this online Teachback compared to the in-person Teachback.
  • For those who experienced Teachback the first time, what do you think about this approach?



  • I think this approach to TOT is very effective. This is because it makes the discussion session lively and enhances participation as participants would have already gone through the resources, watched the videos, and done the assignment and so, are able to contribute meaningfully to the subject matter being discussed.

    The feedback was very helpful because it helped me avoid the mistakes/errors I committed during the first session in the second session.

    The biggest lesson I have learned is that rehearsal is very key to staying within time and avoiding technical challenges that are encountered during online teaching sessions.

    Thank you.

  • The online Teachback is effective . It enables one to get divergent ideas from participants as individuals .So it builds a pool of experiences . The feedback from Master trainers was very helpful .I had not used some of the tools like laser pointer and highlighter in the presentation mode and these were very helpful in the subsequent presentation when Dr Katy demonstrated how to use them .The biggest lesson learnt was practice , practice . I have also learnt tips on how to handle power point slides when they get stuck during presentation

  • Dear Dr. Katy and all,

    This is my first time to experience SLMTA 3 e-learning and a teachback session, and I am a hundred percent sure that this course structure is special for its unique.  The unique approach of TOT is participants are not only just siting and learn the content of the course, but they are be able to practice on being a real facilitator, co-facilitator, and learn to be responsible to manage the course by them-self during teachback session. Moreover, they also have a chance to learn from the other teams in term of the slide presentation, method of facilitating, and the challenges encounter. Importantly, participants have a chance to receive a special gift on the area of improvement from facilitators on their performance and other team performances to improve themselves when they implement their own course in their country. Therefore, I do enjoy the feedback from facilitator after all team teachback and I can learn to improve myself and for preventive action as well. I learn uncountable stuff in term of course contents, preparing documents to be ready, managing the team, how to well cooperate during the training, time management, using zoom platform, and how to engage participant during the session.  The most important part is always rehearse among our team before the real session.

    In my view, this approach is effective due to it made all participants bring their effort to attend this course. Based on the course structure, I can ensure that participants are competent after completing this course due to they need to fulfill all requirements. I would like to recommend this course structure to implementing in Cambodia and other countries as well. Thanks again for this priceless gift. 

  • Hello Dr. Katy,

    The approach was effective because irrespective of the participants geographical locations I was able to interact with them and fortunately the internet connection was stable. The teachback session was helpful to me because I was able to interact with various zoom features which prior to this course I had never known how they function. I have learned   that for you to be a good online facilitator you need to do a lot of practice and prepare effectively on the activities to undertake during the sessions. You also need to capture the attention of the participants and manage your time well.  The feedback from the master TOTs was very genuine and helpful.



  • edited August 2022

    After going through these teach-back sessions for the first time, I have come to appreciate that teach-back is a unique methodology for developing training skills for people who are to train others.

    It allowed us to practice teaching the course while receiving expert feedback on performance.

    It was an excellent opportunity to observe other people’s training styles; I noticed some unique skills that I can incorporate into my teaching methodology to facilitate learning.

    I loved the way Dr Katy Yao, Mr Elde Mel Paladar and Ms Janet Scholtz gave us feedback:

    1. It was straightforward, gentle, and supportive, creating a positive and encouraging learning environment.
    2. They gave feedback openly, creating an opportunity to learn from what others were told. In fact, we (Team E8) made some corrections before giving our presentation during round one.
    3. They pointed out areas that needed improvement; we noted them in the first round, focused on them, and significantly improved our performance in the second round.
    4. I loved the fact that we had two rounds to present and get feedback (two teach-back sessions for each group); it seemed like we had two chances to get things right.

    I noted those four things and will ensure I do the same in my upcoming teach-back lessons.

    I feel that I have been able to sharpen my skills in teaching adults and gain confidence in training this SLMTA 3 e-Learning course after practicing teaching the Course content in the presence of the course architects and master facilitators. By putting into practice the facilitators’ feedback, I will be one of the outstanding trainers of trainers.

  • I have learned that it was necessary to change the attitude to shift from traditional face to face approach to the modern (e-learning) teaching and on how to present teach-back in a friendly manner aimed to ensure that one understand the skill required for debriefing teach-back sessions.

    I discovered that the lack of technical knowledge skill on e-learning was an obstacle to the facilitation of training and debriefing, the other important thing was to devoted time to practice and working collaboratively on given topics to ensure smooth delivery of debriefing session.

    The feedback given by Master Trainers was helpful, the Master trainers’ feedback showed some creative methods of providing objective feedback such that one cannot easily get lost on the journey of gaining skills as trainer. They have built up the expertise of knowing what to do and be able to do it in the debriefing of teach-back sessions. I have a feeling to discover about debriefing skills and to apply them as needed. 

    • For those who experienced Teachback the first time, what do you think about this approach?

  • Dear Dr. Katy, all participants and master trainers:

    As always, it is an honor for being part of this SLMTA family. Last year I had the opportunity to attend the SLMTA 3

    eLearning Cohort 2, and this year, I had the gift to participate in my first SLMTA 3 TOT/ Teachback and I can restate that it was an outstanding experience. I have never made an on-line learning presentation in a different language which participants were from different cultures and languages. I strongly believe that it was effective and grateful for me because it allowed me to gain sustain learning skills and knowledge for making and effective teaching in avirtual world. When someone teaches by on line technology, it has many risks to identify and make preventive actions, back up plans are so essential in this situation. In my case I was the only one in my team, so I had to make double effort for preparing my speech, presentation, slides and try to manage the zoom platform tools as well. In this way I had to connect with 2 devices at the same time, and also, I have the master trainer support for anything. It was a hardly experience but I have learnt many skills and knowledges from each other’s. I consider all the participants as mentors for me. Each of you has a special gift and so talent for what you are doing.

    I liked when Dr. Katy performed the final teachback debrief because she showed us the good practices and some common pitfalls that we have had in this presentation, and made effective feedback for us and gave us important tips for virtual facilitation. I really enjoyed this TOT; and it is a pleasure to graduate and keep moving forward.

    Many Thanks.

     Kindly regards

    Janett from Peru

  • Teachback was an effective approach both for those who experienced it for the first time and those who have practiced it for some time. I noticed that the more you do the teach back the more you gain experience and improve as time goes by.

    The feedback provided by master trainers was very helpful to me and it will help me improve.

    I learned a lot during the teachback session that practicing before the session is a must and also ensure that all is set in terms of network and slides to share.

  • Thank you Dr Katy for the discussion question.

    As one of the participants of SLMTA face to face type of teaching from years back, i now can attest that the e-learning type of TOT teaching is most effective. It is focused, much time is dedicated to delivering the material needed to be understood by participants, there is no room to lecture as the notes had been put already on the website for participants. I have learnt debriefing the activities means emphasising on the practical approach not necessarily lecturing the theoretical knowledge.

    Doing e-learning teach back has greatly impacted on my technological skills, having to use zoom platform, which i doubt i would ever apply on face to face was much appreciated, and has therefore enhanced my teaching skills. I have also learnt that as a trainer, time has to be found and dedicated to more and more practice before the actual teach back. One needs to understand very well what they would b debriefing on. By so doing one develops much confidence and competence on the subject to be taught back. The feedback, my gifts were so helpful, especially when Dr Katy displayed some examples through her final presentation; and surely will be applied whenever i have an opportunity to teach. Master trainers were uniquely helpful with their different advices, i learnt a lot from them.

    Thank you again for your valued inputs on our e learning.


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