I would like to measure this quality indicator for my laboratory but am still stack on a good means of how to track this for a laboratory that does not use an electronic laboratory information system.How can you track and monitor the technologist productivity?I would like to hear thoughts on this..


  • Thank you Zein for this,but how will you use this in measuring the effiency of a particular staff. I think the indicator will help to know what staff does what and at what percentage. like if I want to request for more laboratory staff I have to know if the staff I have are overworked or not...I stand to be corrected if this is not what the indicator helps in.

  • Human Resource management remains the most difficult aspect of the workforce to manage, However there are a lot of methods to use, like electronic signature to measure timeliness, task completion self checklist to monitor completion power and competency assessment to measure staff technical skills and know how,

    But in all of these, Good relationship, motivation in the workspace, award ceremonies, and appreciation trips remain the best indicators to keep staff productivity up, strong and running,

    mind you, the indicators are to be in sync with the outcome/facility goals and staff motivation, therefore, it should be noted that, inasmuch as we want to achieve 5 stars, we should strive for our staffs to feel 5 Star as well

  • Dear Columba, as you said it is some how time consuming task to collect ,count & analyze the data (lab activities or number of test run ) vs target per month manually to measure the personnel productivity . Well organized format ,tally the data ,put at management calander & assign someone to perform this activity etc may enhance the issue , use the model for improvemet to check the issue resolve after the intervention. If there is management commitment and resource permit, electronic LIS will will make life simple in my openion.

  • Hi Columba,

    I think you don't need an electronic system to be able to measure TECH PRODUCTIVITY as an indicator though an electronic system will facility the process. Even before an IT personel can help you with an electronic system you will have to have a manuel system which he can transfer to an electronic system. I suggest the following manual processes.

    1. identify the metrics you want to measure. Eg: timeliness to work, innovation, etc
    2. Make a list of these metrics and creat a worksheet
    3. Identify the records and documents for these metrics
    4. Do a baseline assessment of the metrics for each of the technologist
    5. Call each staff in a private meeting and discuss the findings. identify the their strength and weaknesses. Ask them to submit a plan on how to improve their weakness. theis could be training needs, logistics, etc
    6. To reduce the burn of the project you must ensure staff involvement and commitment
    7. You can also use peer assessment method where peers will collect the data of peers. You can assign a secrete code to your staff including yourself if you want to monitor your own performance ie leadership by example.
    8. You make every staff staff to collect the data for all staff except themselves for analysis and evaluation
    9. You may also institute a BEST TECH of the week, month, quarter, or year award base on the outcome of the analysis with a grading system to motivate staff participation. This may not require big reward but something like the award winner's name on the notice board with a citation, etc
  • Thank you all for the in-put I will try these suggested methods and hope to get a good outcome.

  • You may also task the unit supervisors to do daily and weekly tracking of the indicators whiles the quality manager perform monthly review

  • You can also use some software, but i m not very familiar with them

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