For the next cohort, should we stretch the course longer in order to lessen the weekly workload?

edited March 2023 in Archived

We are planning for the second offering of the course and need your feedback. Now that you have a taste of the weekly workload, would you recommend that we conduct this course over a longer period of time (more than 15 weeks) to reduce the weekly workload? Or would you recommend the same structure? Please share your feedback. Thanks.


  • I recommend the same structure because one is always on their toes to ensure that the work is done as soon as required. If elongated, with other personal and work-related commitments, more sessions could be missed.

  • I agree to the same structure , elongating the course timeline might indeed increase the conflict with competing activities . And I think the SLMTA team did well in communicating well before training in terms of the commitment and time needed for the training. Participants commitment is possible over the fewer weeks than over a long period.

  • I am fine with the work load and the current structure.


  • Maintain the current length of the course

  • Maintain the current length of the course

  • The course length is sufficient, though it requires real commitment and total dedication especially if there are other competing tasks, anyone wishing to join should pledge for commitment as it was done for the current group. I must admit its keeping me on toes

  • I will suggest the same timing and encourage we maximize the use of our weekend period to work on our homework. It becomes very stressful when we wait until Monday or Tuesday to start.

  • Though demanding, I recommend leaving the course duration as it is. Making it longer may increase chances of distraction from other competing activities leading to no completion of the course.

  • I will recommend the current version to be maintained, its manageable if you plan a head

  • So far the current structure and the work load is ok

  • Keep the current structure. Like what other participants have highlighted, it is important to plan ahead , but it is manageable.

  • Keep the same structure

  • Current course duration is okay.

  • The course is demanding and requires total commitment and organization. I would recommend about to 3-4 extra weeks.

  • From the statistics of the comments above the mean, mode and median of the responses is KEEP THE SAME STRUCTURE AND LENGTH. So i will go with the same although during the first weeks i had problems completing my home works in time but now am coping.

  • Its good to go with the same structure though the work load is heavy sometime but its manageable .

  • I think the current structure is fine, it keeps one on the the toes all the times. With this structure, all one thinks of during the period of the course is SLMTA and this is what gives the anticipation and fun while learning.

  • I'm of the opinion that the workload needs to be checked so that it can be evenly distributed within the course. Some of the assignments should be combined to one/two which should stimulate thinking with relation to someone's laboratory facility.

  • @Horace Gumba Thanks for the comments. We are always looking for opportunities to improve the course. Can you please be more specific about which assignments should be better combined? Please list them. Thanks.

  • If possible the homework for different modules should not be combined, for example Homework for QMS 1 and QMS 2 should not be in the same package.

  • Am comfortable with the course duration. The weekly homework load is what makes this course exciting because it puts you on pressure to read and do homework in time. If we are to become good trainers tomorrow, then we need to appreciate how to work under pressure.

  • For me, maintain the same schedule and speed.

    The tasks/homework keep us updated and on toes.

  • Halfway through the course, I would say the current pace is okay for me although I must admit I had to make significant adjustments to my personal schedule in order to meet assignment submission deadlines. I have opted to use the weekends to complete most of the individual assignments.

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