Virtual Incentive Program

edited March 2023 in Archived

Please feel free to provide feedback or comments on the program. We hope you are motivated to earn the dollars.


  • The introduction of incentive for this course can only be a great way to encourage participants to be fulfilled at the end of the program. More focus on the course, dedication and timely submission of homework, full participation in the program etc... It is a great motivator that will help us fulfill all the requirements for this course and make our facilitators happy and satisfied. This incentive program will also launch us into other openings that will help our future career and personal development. A new and innovative version from the previous dollar incentive programs. Thanks to the team!

  • Thanks Katy, am very Motivated with the SLMTA dollars

  • This program is a good tool that provides motivates us to actively participate and make the sessions as lively as possible. Adult learners love to see something in it for them apart from the main course and i thank the facilitators for introducing this program. It also gives an element of continuity from the traditional SLMTA trainings where dollars are a culture and it works so well.

    Big up to kennedy he is so swift and captures every dollar and updates the virtual bank accordingly. Thank you Kennedy and all the facilitators.

  • Dear Katy, am greatly motivated to earn the dollars. I think it is a wonderful incentive to encourage participants to fully participate, and also to achieve more knowledge about the program.

  • As an Introvert, may be it is harder for me to participate (e.g reading slides) while I see more people would love to participate. I will ask question when I feel I want to understand more.

    Best regards

  • Thanks, Dung. The virtual incentive program was established to motivate and encourage participation. But it may not work for everyone. As you said, introverts may not "raise hands" frequently but are actually very engaged. We facilitators need to keep that in mind. Thank you for reminding us.

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