edited August 30 in Archived

Are personnel records still maintained when personnel are eitheir transferred, retired, dismissed, or dead? Give reason(s) for a yes/no answer


  • The personnel file records should be retained as per lab policy for retention period for records . Lab policy consider Local regulation , Accreditation organization requirements , space for storage , level of importance of the records , legal issues related with records to define the period of lab technical & quality records retention .

  • The laboratory should maintain a personnel file for currently active employees including those who are away for education or training (and will come back to the lab). For those who are retired, dismissed, or dead their files may be put separately stating the status/condition and date of the event in relation to the employees. This however depends on the National and organizational policy as well as the laboratory's stated record retention time.

  • Yes! if its transferred, death or dismissed, this should serve as a record for a predefined retention period and after which it is to be come obsolete

  • Every laboratory must develop and implement documents and records retention procedures irrespective of national guidelines

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