Personnel Management

As a Laboratory Director in our respective laboratories, what are the plans or strategies that we will adopt to ensure that a laboratory assistant who excel with work is made to complete his or her degree straightaway.


  • Recommend or offer for a scholarship or some sort by your facility, let him or her sign a contract for resumption of work at your facility following graduation, Pinned down!

  • As a lab manager I have encouraged most of such staff in my department for continuing education. I sometimes offer them soft loans from my personal funds. When their study leaves are not approved, I suggest other alternatives such as weekend courses, sandwich courses which they can use their leave period to attend classes, etc. I develop personal relationships with my staff and we discuss their professional development. I advise them on financial management and as part of this education policy with an insurance company is suggested when the agents come around. When the fund matures in 2-3 years it facilitates the process.

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