How to use the participant manual?

edited March 2023 in Archived

How to use the participant manual? I can see the participant manual and manual powerpoint in resources but not quite sure how to use the manual for the learning


  • Hi Dzung, the Participant Manual is a good document to download at the end of the e-learning course because it keeps everything (well, almost everything) in one place. Keep in mind that it is for the classroom-based version, which is slightly different from the e-learning version.

    Let me clarify for others. The "SLMTA 3 Toolkit" located under the Toolkit tab (not the e-Learning tab) is the original (classroom-based) version of the curriculum. If you click the link below, it will take you directly to that page. This is where all the materials of the SLMTA 3 curriculum (classroom version) are stored, including the Participant Manual, Trainer's Guide, PowerPoint slides, and handouts/job aids.

    The original version underwent redesign when it was transformed for on-line delivery. For this e-learning course, you must use the materials housed in the e-Learning webpages. If you don't, you will be out of sync. Some documents may look identical, but they may have been edited.

    Dzung, I hope i have answered your question adequately.

  • thank you Katy. I asked since I like to have the presented PowerPoint, so I do not need to write them down. Please advice if we can have the PowerPoint.

  • Dear Dzung, We provide the PowerPoint after the webinar. They are made available for download together with the recording of the webinar. Our facilitators do not wish to provide the PowerPoint ahead of the session. Here is a tip - I attend a lot of webinars myself. When I see something that I like, I would do a screen shot and save it with my own annotations. Later if I do get the PowerPoint, I can decide if I want to keep the screen shots or not.

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