Workstation setup

edited August 30 in Archived

What are some of the adverse health impact poor workstation setup on personnel?

Do you have a personal experience or you staff sustaining any of such impact. I will be glad if you could share your story.


  • I remember while i was at Health Center lab , reagent for gram stain & AFB sitting side to side with out clear separation . I use acetone rather than Acid alcohol wrongly for AFB to decolorized the safranine , similar color but different concentration . I realize my mistake lately . So giving designated place for each reagents will avoid such type of NC

  • Poor workstation had had a negative impact on workstation setup for most laboratory in Africa and especially in my home country (Liberia). It begins with the design of the infrastructure which many architect/designer did not involve the inputs of the technical people on the ground(laboratorians). I remember working in a community where the members of the community became victim of the Ebola virus disease. As part of my advocacy to improve service delivery and turnaround time for people suspected of EBOLA. I did concept note to one of my supervisors to bring a Gene-xpert platform at that facility and she agreed on one condition that she must inspect the facility and give approval. Even though it was a district referral hospital, but it was a single room (like a bathroom as describe by my supervisor). We did not qualify for the machine simply because of our design which indirectly affected our setup.

  • Really sad story , a district hospital lab with only one class . It is well known that in resource limited area such scenario happen . As our master trainer Eldie ( 3rd E) said "Management will is high but the pocket is null " But you have to work hard to solve this issue , to be considered as hospital priority and search partner to renovate the lab to be safe environment for all .

  • Emmanuel, sorry for your lost. I share in your experience as a former lab manager in district hospital, but my case was a joyful one. In 2015 after my MSc in Clinical Microbiology I returned to my post and was looking to make significant changes in my lab. Then in 2016 came in Gene xpert 4 module distribution for TB testing but was challenged with space in my lab. I started looking for space in the whole hospital. The challenge was every department was challenged with space and not ready to spare any. I found an abandoned toilet and washroom close to the disease control department. I wrote a proposal to the hospital management with a budget from the estate department. I explained the advantage of the Gene Xpert technology. The renovation was done and fitted with an air-condition.

    Apart from the TB testing the gene xpert played a significant role in the COVID19 pandemic fight.

    Again, it is being used to test HIV viral load for EID and PMTCT and other infections like Hepatitis B viral load.

    Though a very small space I maximized the use of the space. Once an abandoned toilet and washroom now a major molecular lab in the hospital.

  • Poor work station set up actually increase the movement of staff hence making one to become so tired easily. I remember a Teaching hospital Laboratory where the laboratory professionals had to resist the moving into the new facility because of poor station work out. They eventually moved in when the set up was redesign.

  • cross contamination


    Miss Identification

    Losing a sample

    Accidents etc...

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