edited August 30 in Archived

How effective is the incidence reporting system in your lab? What are some of the limitations? I would like to learn from your experience.


  • It is much better to work in planning phase ( risk analysis & preventive action ) to avoid or minimize the possible incidents . Our experience is poor in reporting incidents or Non conformance in general . This is likely due to trying to hide the incident , fear of blaming rather than get solutions from the management , lack of commitment to work on corrective action etc ...But also some good laboratory practice , Well incident management program ( availability of proper safty equipments , Documentation , and communication systems to hundle such senario .

  • Incident reporting is one of the many drawbacks in the quality management system. Most laboratorians had taken it as a formal complaint for repercussion and not as a way of identifying gaps, loopholes and finding solutions to bridge those gaps. Remember as a supervisor, you might not be on all of the shift to document occurrences and implement improvement measures.

  • Incident reporting is a big challenge in my laboratory because most staff sees that as an extra work reporting and the subsequent filling of the non-conformity form

  • It such a good topic as its been a serious thing staffs tend to ignore,

    I think we should emphasise on it importance rather to just making sure Documentation is done,

    for instance, there should be clear guidelines for PEP and First Aid administration for every need in incident cases

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