Total allowable error Vs Uncertainty measurement

edited August 30 in Archived

Any relations between Measurement uncertainty Vs total allowable error for clinical chemistry verification . Is there acceptance limit for measurement uncertainty like that have for total allowable error . Example we get MU for creatinine= 2 , that can change medical decision , do you accept this verification result ? or is it fit for intended use ?


  • Uncertainty of measurement is the doubt that exists about the result of any measurement. You might think that well-made rulers, clocks and thermometers should be trustworthy, and give the right answers. But for every measurement - even the most careful - there is always a margin of doubt, while Allowable error is A quality requirement that sets a limit for combined imprecision (random error) and bias (inaccuracy, or systematic error) that are tolerable in a single measurement or single test result to insure clinical usefulness.

  • Every laboratory either accredited or not that performs quantitative measurement should have a documented procedure for measurement and calculation for the measurement of uncertainty and also define the total allowable error margin for that uncertainty measured

  • Uncertainty is an inherent factor of every laboratory procedure or measurement. It is there for required that the laboratory sets limits for allowable errors within which error within measured values can be said to be significant or insignificant. You may perform the Null hypothesis test to evaluated whether an error is significant or insignificant.

  • Total allowable error (TEa) is the sum of imprecision (Random error) and Bias(Systemic error ) of a test method that can be tolerated by measuring system at certain confidence interval i.e. 95% while measurement uncertainty(MU) is a range where a true values usually lies , it is estimated from intermediate precision conditions therefore it only account imprecision error at certain confidence interval such as 95%

    We use Total allowable Error to set our performance goal for the MU in our lab , so we accept MU that are less than TEa

    Hope this helps

  • Thank you for the advisory service i get Isack , thanks also for others comments

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