Purchasing Process Map

edited August 30 in Archived

Why do we need a purchasing process map? Why does ISO 15189 make it a standard requirement for laboratories?


  • Process maping is not a mandatory requirements , but it is important tool that every lab recommended to apply while dealing with the lab process . Process map clarify to understand the process , show how process interlinked each other , to identify area for OFI .

  • I think it allows u to visualise each step and the goal is to provide an overview of all purchasing processes and how they relate to other  processes

  • The ISO 15189 clause 4.6 makes it mandatory for every laboratory practicing laboratory quality management system using this standard to develop a documented procedure and not process. However, a process map when developed will both the laboratory manager or his/her representative and the procurement officer on the needs of the laboratory as far as the selection and purchasing of laboratory consumables/reagents or equipment are concern

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