Sample shipment and transportation for rerral sites

edited August 30 in Archived

We have samples referal network at all tier level of healh facilities for program related test as a back up or higher scope of testes through postal service . It is obvious postal service play vital role but still need improvement to minimize TAT and satisfy patients . Share ur country best experience related with this


  • There is no doubt that in Ghana, the National Tuberculosis Control Program is involve in the transport/shipment of sputum specimen through Ghana Post. However, the scope could be broaden to cover more specimens but the cost involved.

  • In Malawi, we have a dedicated specimen transporter R4H, supported by CDC. However, it does not operate in all districts and concentrated to public health, non-private facilities. Commercial couriers also transport specimens for cash and are often deployed by national health programs like Extended program on immunization, HIV, TB,etc. Overall, the network covers human specimens, leaving aside animal, toxicology, and food specimens.

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