How will you apply what you have learned so far?

edited March 2023 in Archived

Please share with your classmates what you are doing (or will do) to implement what you have learned so far in your home laboratory or laboratories. Please provide sufficient details.


  • Thanks Katy for this great question. There are a number of salient lessons I have learned so far. Document structure is key among them. Before this course, I knew that document pyramid structure begins with policy at the apex of the triangle, followed by processes, procedures and then records. Elde was able to bring out the true understanding of what a process is; which was not clear to me before. I understood that process is just like a flow chart of inter related activities; not necessarily in detail form. But to understand the details, one has to develop SOP to describe how the process will be implemented. One SOP can describe one or more steps in the flow chart/process. Not many laboratories make use of processes but I think is very relevant in document structure.

    I will be happy to learn one or two new lessons my colleagues have learned so far and how they can implement the new lessons in their laboratories.


    • Aminu Suleiman
  • A I go through the course, i also go back and look through our QMS to see what can be improved based on the the topics we discuss e.g. when we have gone through Management Responsibility, I also come and looked through documentation of our management requirements to see if they are adequate. I think the job aids and the handouts also make great tools that I adopt and use to make improvements to some of our processes.

  • Wonderful lessons we are learning every day! As I am not all the time in the laboratories my organization supports, the way I intend to apply what I have learnt so far, is to start working remotely with laboratory staff and share with them ( I have started) knowledge acquired and discuss how we can together improve their laboratory processes. Sharing some documents with them on specific areas has also been very useful.

  • Hi Philippe. Good comment. Do you have any specific lesson in mind that you found most striking and-is worth sharing with your laboratory?

  • Ive learned a lot so far. Management responsibility one of the key things i needed as i was appointed a lab Manager early last year. Ive reviewed the SOP on personnel management and went through all the personnel files to check what was missing and requested all staff to update their personnel files. We had staff meeting where I shared the tool for QIPs, everyone was excited as this one from the training is more simplified than the one we used to have and more clearer. Ive also understood that mapping processes make it easier to understand and implementation simple. Overall all the materials we are getting in this training are very helpful.

  • I have learned a lot so far. I have noticed a lot of gaps in most laboratories I used to source materials from. The course has served as an eye opener to me and I am ready to adopt most of the tools provided to help labs improve. In my country, I have noticed that in the process maps, some of the steps in the processes are completed at the higher management level and the labs are involved in other steps to complete the process. I am planning to help labs to have clear and detailed process maps known by all staff so that the importance of performing each step is understood by everyone.

  • The course has opened my eyes to a better way and tools to provide support to partners funded by my organization to implement laboratory programs as well as to government on health systems strengthening. I plan to have a meeting with our partners to review what has/is been been done for laboratories currently undergoing accreditation and plan for those to be registered

  • Apply what i have learnt to improve laboratory QMS and close the gaps in the journey to accreditation, and also support other labs with in public health lab in their establishment of QMS.

  • I have really learnt a lot from SLMTA training and I believe the implementation of what I have learnt will help me get it right from the start and take the correct steps, because the facilities I am supporting are just at the starting the implementation of SLMTA.

  • I will pass on the knowledge gained to the labs I work with in Africa.

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