SLMTA model approach in the use of measurement of uncertainty

MEASUREMENT OF UNCERTAINTY undoubtedly remains one of the areas where laboratory score low marks during most audit, what could be the SLMTA model for achieving the standard requirement for low income countries.


  • ....... hmmm every laboratory must develop and define their procedure for the measurement of uncertainty

  • The SLMTA (Strengthening Laboratory Management Toward Accreditation) model is designed to help laboratories in resource-limited settings improve their quality management systems and achieve accreditation. In the context of measurement uncertainty, the SLMTA model can be used to help laboratories meet the standard requirements for uncertainty measurement.

    Here are some specific steps that laboratories can take, using the SLMTA model, to improve their measurement uncertainty performance:

    1. Develop a measurement uncertainty policy: This should be a formal document that outlines the laboratory's approach to measurement uncertainty, including the methods used to calculate uncertainty, the criteria for determining acceptable levels of uncertainty, and the procedures for documenting and reporting uncertainty values.

    2. Provide training on measurement uncertainty: Laboratory staff should receive training on the principles of measurement of uncertainty and how to calculate uncertainty values. This can be done through on-the-job training, workshops, or online courses.

    3. Implement a proficiency testing program: Proficiency testing is an important tool for assessing the accuracy and precision of laboratory test results. It can also help laboratories identify sources of measurement uncertainty and improve their measurement processes.

    4. Use validated measurement methods: Laboratories should use measurement methods that have been validated for their intended use. Validation should include an assessment of measurement uncertainty, which should be documented in the laboratory's quality management system.

    5. Monitor and evaluate measurement uncertainty: The laboratory should monitor its measurement uncertainty performance over time and use this information to make continuous improvements to its measurement processes.

    By following these steps, laboratories can improve their measurement uncertainty performance and meet the standard requirements for uncertainty measurement. The SLMTA model provides a framework for achieving these goals, even in resource-limited settings, by emphasizing continuous quality improvement and the use of simple, practical tools and techniques.

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