Wanted - testimonials

edited March 2023 in Archived

As we get close to the end of this course. I would like to know if you would recommend this course to others. What would you say to convince them? In your response, consider the following questions:

  • To whom would you recommend this course?
  • What will be your one-minute "elevator speech" or "sales pitch"?

Thank you!



  • edited May 2021

    I have found the SLMTA approach unique and innovative in its combination of requirements for good clinical laboratory practice and practical implementation of ISO 15189 standards.

    The facilitators strive to engage all participants and are knowledgeable with extensive experience in their respective fields. They are readily available to assist participants with individual challenges.

    The training in its entirety has improved my understanding of ISO 15189 requirements. The importance for Continual Improvement is highlighted throughout the training program. I found the tools provided by SLMTA to identify, measure, correct and implement change useful and effective.

    I would recommend SLMTA training to laboratories gearing towards accreditation and mentors working with laboratories to build/improve their Quality Management System.

    Thank you SLMTA for an enriching experience!

  • Thank you Katy. It has been an exciting journey and I would like to recommend this course to all my colleagues and health professionals where quality management system is the standard for quality results.

    Sales pitch: A special program designed for health professionals to understand in a few weeks and deeper, the concept of QMS. Assignments and homework are organized in such a way that students will have enough time to work at home and interact with the wonderful and dedicated facilitators whenever necessary before submission. Opportunities are created during live sessions to discuss and answer questions which are extended to the office hours on Tuesdays. One thing that I have found so amazing is that facilitators are never quick to say your are wrong, but they ALL always put you on the right tract in a way always so appreciative.

  • I am so previledged to have attended this training because it has cemented the wider approach to processes and simplified it that even if you are not in a class room setting, the virtual environment has been tuned to mimic a classroom and the interaction is never faulting from start to finish.

    I will recommend it to all quality managers and laboratory managers because they are the owners of several processes i.e. MR, IA and they are supposed to drive the QMS implementation.

    Sales pitch: do not worry about travel restrictions, the SLMTA E-learning is as good as interacting in personnel the fun is endless, the games week in week out, the content has been staggered to accommodate any busy schedule, the home works are flexible with ample time of 4 days to work on before submission (48hrs before live session).This is the opportunity for you and i highly recommend you take part.


  • Of course I will recommend this course to my colleagues. I very much hope to hold a special session in China. In fact, with the deepening of the understanding of QMS, many laboratories are eager to obtain relevant knowledge.

  • Dear Katy, really I am happy having this special training SLMTA 3 e-learning course. Even though I have been passed through most SLMTA trainings this session helps me to refresh my memory and fill my gaps well. In my opinion all course contents are very important but QMS 4 is vital and needs to detail since occurrence management, internal audit and management review are pillars for continual improvement. I advise my colleague to have this training in order to be competent in QMS implementation. The only thing I troubled in this training was poor connection setting especially when I travel for field work so, arranging work schedule and internet options may be mandatory.

    Sales Pich: SLMTA 3 e-learning course is the key for path to QMS implementation or accreditation.The training basically addresses the 12 QSE by incorporating with ISO 15189 standard designed in such a way that to be hands on practice with building blocks of recorded videos, presentations, home-works and discussions so, every laboratory personnel need to be trained for stepwise approach to accreditation or for direct engagement to accreditation and I recommend accordingly.

  • I will recommend this course to all laboratory staff whether in accrediated labs or labs starting QMS implementation because it really opens up your mind on how to do things differently.

    Sales Pitch: lets climp up the stairs through SLMTA 3 e-learning course, for sure we will reach the goal.

  • This training was extremely informative and exciting. I would like to appreciate the facilitators who were amazing and gave us excellent presentations.

    I would recommend this training to anyone , all confusion will be cleared, regarding QMS.

  • I will recommend this training to all laboratory personnel. It is a must. In fact I have started telling my colleagues who are SLMTA trainers not to miss the next cohort for anything in the world.

    Sales -point : ISO 15189 requirements has been demystified, made understandable to the simplest level by experienced and expert facilitators. There is no way you will attend the SLMTA 3 e-learning course and your laboratory will not have accreditation.

    The self study recordings, resources, office hours and interactive sessions, down to earth facilitators ready to answer all questions, encouraging participants, changed my thought from difficult to implement QMS to easy to implement QMS. Interactive. You get to understand better the things you could not during SLMTA 1 and TOT. You learn also from the experience of other colleagues all over the world.

    I am so overwhelmed by the knowledge I have learnt, I can continue talking about SLMTA, ISO 15189 non stop.


  • Absolutely yes!! I would definitely recommend this course to any laboratory staff, this is almost a must course!! The information, knowledge and skills from this course is enough to move your laboratory to greater heights- World recognition.

    Achieving accreditation is now simplified, simply enroll into this class and the road to accreditation is paved, in Kenya we call it china road (Smooth and straight). Any lab that is implementing QMS this is for you

    The best part is the self study- learn at your pace, you can repeat and repeat the recordings, not possible in a classroom set up.

    Sales Pitch- SLMTA 3 e-learning course the game changer in QMS implementation, demystifying ISO15189 , learning at the comfort of your home.

  • Am happy I applied for the SLMTA 3 e-learning course and feel even more privileged to have been selected as a participant. One of my best achievements for the year 2021.

    The best and sure way to illuminate the part to ISO 15189 accreditation is by participating in SLMTA 3 e-learning course.

    If your laboratory is already accredited, this course will definitely help you to sustain the accreditation if not then accreditation is at your doorstep already with the knowledge and skills you will acquire from this course.

  • Thank you Katy for awarding me the opportunity to attend the SLMTA 3 online workshop. I would definitely recommend this course to all QM and all those interested in QMS because the course goes through the 12 quality essentials in a stepwise manner that is easy to follow and understand. The homeworks are relevant to most practical situations that we face daily as laboritarians and this prepares individuals to make informed decisions for the improvement of labs.

    I am taking advantage of this training to start implementing QMS in our small lab and will one day be proud to show and share the results.

    if only every lab personnel would have the same opportunity then QMS is made easy and would become a staple food in labs


  • Am glad to be apart of SLAMTA3 eLearning course where I gain knowledge and skills in implementation of QMS.

    I recommend this Course for staffs implementing quality or their work is related to quality Management system.

    Its a comprehensive training , open eyes on various ways of implementing ISO 15189,Its has very good tools that can support the labs that are starting QMS or on the way to accreditation.

    I like the learning approach(self- study, sessions and fun).

  • I really enjoyed this course and I strongly recommend it to my colleagues. It was an eye opener and mostly stressing each and every quality essential in a stepwise manner that is easy to understand and follow. Accreditation is just near the corner. I was audited 2 days ago and great improvement was highly noticed in the era of COVID 19.

  • I will recommend SLMTA course to my colleagues and all laboratorians who interested in QMS.

    The facilitators have extensive knowledge and experience in QMS. SLMTA course provided various tool to help participants understand in QMS and ISO 15189.

    Although this course is an online course, but the facilitators try to engage with all the participants as if we were in the classroom. 

    I am glad to be part of the SLMTA 3 e-Learning course where I have gained the knowledge and skills about QMS.

  • Am more than happy to be part of this SLMTA 3 e-Learning course, I have learnt a lot which will help me mentor my facilities, I have enjoyed the Live sessions especially interaction with facilitators and the mother of SLMTA herself.

    I will strongly recommend this course to all laboratory Professionals whether in accredited labs or labs starting QMS implementation because it really opens up your mind on how to do things differently.

    Am now a confident and proud SLMTA officer.

  • edited May 2021

    Nyalieba, you are the only SLMTA Officer in the world. No one else holds that title. I am so proud of you and happy that you are part of this course. Keep the SLMTA fire burning!!!

  • Thanks all for contributing to this question. We are uploading your testimonials to the course website. Stay tuned. If you have not sent in your testimonials, I encourage you to do so. They will be uploaded as well unless you object.

  • SLMTA 3 e-learning tell you what to do to improve or implement QMS in the lab and how to do it. All laboratories managers or quality managers should follow this course if the want accredited their lab. This course show you the path to accreditation. They are amazing facilitators who answer all your questions.

    Thank you to all SLMTA team

  • I had Just Join the Course SLMTA 3, I am satisfied from the learning recourses and the assigned homework's, everyday we get new keys knowledge i am sure "this course will change the way we look and manage our labs"

    I am lucky to join the course thank you

  • The SLMTA course has been exciting, enlightening and emboldening. The assignments were a good first step in the implementation of learnt principles.

    I would recommend this course to all laboratorians who are keen to improve their understanding and implementation of quality management systems. The course is not a stroll in the park but it will definitely empower laboratorians to meet their laboratories' QMS goals. For those skeptical about virtual learning, brace yourselves for one of the most interactive and impactful online trainings.


    In Uganda, that's how we express gratitude and support for a given motion. Dear Katy, when I remember how I got to know about this course, it was not through someone but I was searching for some slmta modules on the internet and then I saw the flyer announcing this course. There was your email and that's where it all started until now that am finishing the course. To change this, I have shared this course to my fellow QMS mentors and they are looking forward to applying for the next cohort.

    SLMTA e-learning has truly transformed my operations as a quality manager, I am already reviewing some procedures I had written and most importantly, I have adopted all the process maps into my document control system. I am now following the process based approach and risk based thinking.

    Thanks to all the facilitators, you have done a great job. More effort needs to be put on the course advertising. Probably make brochures calling for applications and we the already trained, can perhaps help you circulate them on our various professional platforms.

  • I am glad to be a part of this special comprehensive training program called SLMTA 3 e-learning workshop.

     I recommend this course for all Laboratory Personnel who are implementing quality management system, laboratory managers and Laboratory Mentors. The workshop is helpful for any level laboratory and all level expertise because it addresses the 12 QSE incorporated with practical application of ISO 15189 standards which is translating the quality principles into practice.

        I appreciate the workshop facilitators who never say “you are wrong”, but they lead us on the right tract. OMG you are really perfect trainer.

       I appreciate the founder of a unique and innovative SLMTA approach

    Thank you so much to all SLMTA 3 e-learning workshop team

  • With great sincerity and appreciation, were it not for SLMTA E-learning, it would not have been easy for me to travel all the way for this training, i therefore appreciate the organizers the innovative minds that switched SLMTA from physical classroom to virtual class. Kudos to you!!. All the facilitators, thank you so much.

    In terms of recommendation, am already on top of things. Already recommended to close to 20 laboratory professionals and out of which i have shared virtual class with them especial the topic "Method verification". I will still recommend to more and more laboratory professionals in my country Kenya and will be very proud to hear of any who succeeds in undergoing the training.

    My sale pitch "The inventor of the SLMTA E-learning has transformed the QMS in many countries with a turn of the knob at your comfort, for those who could not have managed to travel for the physical training, we have gained and transforming QMS in our various countries. use every opportunity available in acquiring this knowledge and share. Impress Virtual learning, SLMTA E-learning is ready to take you through".

  • Dear SMLTA Master Trainers ....🙏 Thank You

    This had been agreat learning oppertunity to me as Laboratory scientist where many requirment for accreditation are being explain in such standard E-learning , i had understood the ISO 15189 requirment as well many PoW.

    I really enjoyed and had alot of fun during the class ,ECO Sessions ,as well the webinar .

    I would storngly to recommend this course to be mandatory for all medical laboratory scientist,

    SLMTA E -Learning had simplified the ISO standard for many limited resources countries and it had made agreat transform to QMS

    please keep it up 👍️

  • I would recommend this course to all laboratory mentors in every country as attendance and frequency of this course is still limited to a few participants. A must attend course!! In getting laboratory mentors trained knowledge gained from this course is quickly shared with many laboratories and QMS implementsation strengthened across many laboratories.

    SLMTA 3 simplifies ISO15189 interpretation and implementation, it offers practical step by step guidance on how a laboratory can progress towards accreditation taking a process based approach.

  • This is one of the best class to have attended to learn QMS implementation. Indeed SLMTA 3 e-learning course is a game changer in QMS field. It has simplified the QMS implementation by using identifying QMS processes and developing their process maps which is the first process for continual improvement.

    The course illuminates the path to ISO 15189 and a great enhancer to ISO 15189 Accreditation! If you are struggling with ISO 15189 implementation or a starter in QMS, then this is a must-attend course!

    I would absolutely recommend this course to any lab professional. Thank you Dr Katy for the opportunity to attend this course! The skills and knowledge have acquired are enormous and will be disseminated to the rest of my colleagues to enhance quality improvement in Kenyan facilities!

    Asante sana (thank you very much)!

  • I would definitely recommend this course to all medical laboratory scientist.

    It's a great opportunity to learn in a simple and clear way lab issues that are usually a headache to solve. I learned a lot and I would like many more technicians in my country to have this opportunity.

    The online version of the course was a brilliant idea, that in my opinion allowed training a large number of technicians with few resources, which would not be possible if it were the face-to-face version. If we want to lead more laboratories to accreditation then this kind of initiatives must not stop.

    Congratulations to the trainers for transmitting knowledge in an easy and understandable way.

    Muito obrigada! - Thank you so much

  • I would like to pass my sincere gratitude to the trainers and the organizers for the wonderful carrier development opportunity. I must confess the knowledge gap was wide before, but it has definitely closed, henceforth optimistic that the step-wise improvement in the quality management system towards accreditation is an achievable dream. Thus, strongly recommend the training to all laboratory professionals and managers to improve the just for culture and reduce variation, an enemy to quality.

    Remember Learning is just a click of a mouse, embrace the e-learning strategy, you will never regret the time and forever call for more.

    Thanks so much

  • I recommend SLMTA 3 E-Learning training course to every Medical Laboratorian professional, regardless of whether he or she works in a private sector or Government sector. The in depth, rich Quality management system information delivered by highly skilled and knowledgeable Master trainers and mentors, is what every laboratory professional cannot afford to miss, if he or she is to deliver quality, client/customer focused services. Remember, the reason why the laboratory exists is nothing else other than the clients/customers.

    We can't afford to claim to be offering Quality Laboratory services to our esteemed clients/customers, if we are not armed with knowledge and skills to implement quality management system. The solution lies in empowerment through a training program entitled "SLMTA 3 E-LEARNING, ILLUMINATING THE PATH TO ACCREDITATION"


    Jude C. Busingye(Uganda)

    "Unitatae Omnia Vincit"

  • I will recommend this course to my colleagues in the laboratory, clinicians alike, and even suppliers of laboratory commodities. If Laboratory quality is understood by all the laboratory stakeholders, they will all commit to QUALITY and make Laboratory Quality a Strategic Goal!!!!

    It is amazing that I could acquire such knowledge, skills and have so much fun all at the comfort of my room. The structure of the course is so flexible that it permitted me to attend to my normal routines while still learning. With this, even the most busy and engaged person would have time to attend the course. The course content and method of approach is so enriching. I got to learn how every laboratory process can be undertaken in a process-based approached to achieve amazing quality improvement results. There are some concepts in the ISO 15189:2012 that I only fully understood them after taking this course.

    Although an e-learning course, it in no way downplayed the SLMTA learning culture – lectures, homework, homework debriefs, breaking into rooms for group work during sessions, interaction with others participants, earning of SLMTA dollars and swelling of SLMTA bank accounts, the games and all the fun associated with it, and what have you? The virtual environment was able to simulate a typical SLMTA classroom and nothing was missed as far as the SLMTA style of learning is concerned. The recorded lectures and the recording of the live sessions are such valuable resources that one can always refer to at any time.

    Sales pitch: The SLMTA 3 e-Learning Course – invaluable knowledge at no cost!!! This course, just like its title, will illuminate your path towards understanding an ISO 15189 based QMS and its implementation through its prominent “Process-Based Model of QMS”; making the standard more approachable. I have started an online course with my students, a class size of 24, where I am already implementing the knowledge I have acquired from this course, and trust me, it is exciting!!!

    A big “THANK YOU” to all the brains behind the realisation of this course 

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