Wanted - testimonials



  • I will recommend this course to my colleagues in the laboratory, clinicians alike, and even suppliers of laboratory commodities. If Laboratory quality is understood by all the laboratory stakeholders, they will all commit to QUALITY and make Laboratory Quality a Strategic Goal!!!!

    It is amazing that I could acquire such knowledge, skills and have so much fun all at the comfort of my room. The structure of the course is so flexible that it permitted me to attend to my normal routines while still learning. With this, even the most busy and engaged person would have time to attend the course. The course content and method of approach is so enriching. I got to learn how every laboratory process can be undertaken in a process-based approached to achieve amazing quality improvement results. There are some concepts in the ISO 15189:2012 that I only fully understood them after taking this course.

    Although an e-learning course, it in no way downplayed the SLMTA learning culture – lectures, homework, homework debriefs, breaking into rooms for group work during sessions, interaction with others participants, earning of SLMTA dollars and swelling of SLMTA bank accounts, the games and all the fun associated with it, and what have you? The virtual environment was able to simulate a typical SLMTA classroom and nothing was missed as far as the SLMTA style of learning is concerned. The recorded lectures and the recording of the live sessions are such valuable resources that one can always refer to at any time.

    Sales pitch: The SLMTA 3 e-Learning Course – invaluable knowledge at no cost!!! This course, just like its title, will illuminate your path towards understanding an ISO 15189 based QMS and its implementation through its prominent “Process-Based Model of QMS”; making the standard more approachable. I have started an online course with my students, a class size of 24, where I am already implementing the knowledge I have acquired from this course, and trust me, it is exciting!!!

    A big “THANK YOU” to all the brains behind the realisation of this course 

  • This is my first time that I had the opportunity to take the SLMTA e-learning course. I did not so much what SLMTA was, but I knew a little bit about the SLIPTA in Spanish. However, when I started to study this course, I understood that SLMTA is more than a tool. It is a very powerful method that support many clinical and public health laboratories around the world to strengthen the laboratory management toward the accreditation with the ISO 15189. This course is divided into 4 QMS sections that are related with the purpose of the standard ISO 15189- 3.20: The term “quality management system” referred to in this definition relates to general management activities, the provision and management of resources, the pre-examination, examination and post-examination processes and evaluation and continual improvement. In this context the course was divided in QMS 1: Requirements related to Management Responsibility, QMS 2: Requirements related to Resources Management, QMS 3: Requirements related to pre analytical, analytical, and post analytical process named Path of workflow and the QMS 4: Requirements related to Evaluation and Continual Improvement. All the QMS sections follows the PDCA model, so it is more practical to understand and implement. The SLMTA method provides me many tools and skills for improving the QMS in my laboratory. Nowadays, I have started to actualize the internal procedures according to process-based approach, objective evidence, critical thinking, and risk-based thinking.

    I completely recommend this course for my colleges and laboratory personnel in my country and LATAM to enhance their skills, knowledge and improve the QMS in our laboratories in order to contribute with the patient health care and to provide reliable, timely, accurate and interpretable laboratory results to the patients and add value to the health care systems for making clinical decisions. And remember: The Variability is the enemy of quality because it increases the risk of defects. That is the reason why we need to implement a QMS, standardized the processes and continue improvement.

    See you soon.

    My best regards for all of you

  • Words cannot express how grateful I am for having got an opportunity to attend the SLMTA e-learning course. I am truly indebted to the organizers and facilitators of this wonderful course for actually demystifying the ISO 15189. For sure, I have something to show for this year.

    There is no doubt that I would recommend this course to all laboratorians, whether from accredited or labs preparing for accreditation; there is a multitude of knowledge to gather from this carefully designed and well thought-through course. It is a must attend for mentors!

    The simple yet effective fashion in which knowledge is relayed, always kept me yarning and looking forward to the next session. I appreciate that learning can indeed be fun.

    I have not remained the same, the principles of QMS have not only impacted my professional work, in fact, all facets of my life have in a way been touched by these principles and I am happily applying them in my everyday life as well.

    With the concepts that I have learnt, I am able to do things differently. The course has equipped me with knowledge to look at issues more holistically and above all I am better informed at guiding issues to do with Laboratory QMS. 

    Thank you; -facilitators for making this training possible and beneficial to me. -To fellow participants, I learnt from you that things can be done in a different way, and done very well all the time. I take this opportunity to congratulate you all.

    For God and My Country.

  • The SLMTA e-Learning Course has been a very concise and informative program. It was indeed a great experience and opportunity to be in Guyana and to benefit from this training program. The facilitators are extensively knowledgeable and patient in their support for participant success.

    This program has helped me to improve my understanding, application and implementation of the ISO 15189:2012, as well as the continuous improvement of a Laboratory Quality Management System, in support of the accreditation process.

    I would certainly recommend this course to laboratory personnel working towards ISO 15189 accreditation.

    Kudos to the organisers and facilitators and thanks on behalf of all participants.

  • I would recommend the course to all my colleagues in the lab

    The SLMTA e-learnin course has helped to brin up a more clearer understandin to the standard and QMS as a whole, above apart from fillin up the knowlede ap that was there it has personally helped to better plan thins and increadsed the capacity to handle challenges.

  • I really appreciate for the opportunity to attend the SLMTA e-learning course. Under the background of COVID-19, conventional training becomes impossible, but we are lucky, we still have the e-learning approach to access the ISO 15189.

    More flexible learning schedule, professional facilitators and wonderful classmates gave me so much help and courage during the whole course. As a freshman to QMS, I followed the course step by step to explore the nature of quality of lab and made progress as expect. Furthermore, SLMTA e-learning course also brought us so many efficient and practical tools to solve problems specially. The idea most impressed me that was no standard answer to each question, we should utilize what we learned from the course and analyze collected data to make own decision. And PDCA is not only a useful tool for lab management also could be a valuable way to improve ourselves life.

    I would certainly to recommend this course to my colleagues especially to whom is trying to towards ISO 15189 accreditation. I believe the course would provide strong support to lead lab towards the target.

    Last but not the least, thanks so much to all facilitators, your professional knowledge, patience and humorous communication benefit me a lot. I learned from the fellow participants also, the working experience they shared broaden my mind and thanks on behalf of all participants.

  • I would recommend this course to lab professionals seeking to implement a Quality Management System (QMS) in their lab.

    If ISO 15189 accreditation sounds like a foreign language, you need SLMTA 3 e-Learning course to translate.

    If you feel overwhelmed with QMS implementation, you need SLMTA 3 e-Learning course to take you process by process; clause by clause with resources galore!

    The facilitators are knowledgeable, keen, patient yet probing with a healthy respect for time. This virtual class will keep you busy, discussing, raising virtual hands or chatting with your fingers in the early morning, afternoon or in the evening. The course is fun, interactive but definitely not a walkover.

    The risk is very high however, that you will succeed as it’s just the culture of this class to produce winners.

    Thanks to Dr. Katy and the wonderful facilitators for making this experience so memorable and fulfilling

  • I'm privileged to have participated in the SLMTA 3 training, Very informative , encouraging, interactive with Very motivated animators, always available.

    I will recommend this training to all my colleagues who are potential laboratory managers to better understand the QMS and ISO 15189, to improve their performance in quality management. May this SLMTA e-learning remain and remain for years to come for the well-being of laboratories towards accreditation.🙏

    Thanks so much.

  • It is of a great honor to have been one of SLMTA#3 course participants. It was not easy because someone’s free time was used to do homework and assignments, but any gold achievement requires working hard and sacrifice. Although web-based, the way the course is designed and delivered makes you feel very close to classmates, facilitators and course coordinators. Service hours and ECHO sessions are good opportunities to share knowledge and experience where everyone has a freedom of speech to share what is judged worthy being helpful to others to improve. Assigned hands on activities help test the implementation of learned knowledge and skills, improving the laboratory as well. Now, being fully equipped with knowledge and skills to unlock the key areas of ISO 15189 to meet the requirements, it becomes a responsibility to shine like a star in the darkness and advocate for a higher standard quality service to be delivered to the clients.

    I therefore would recommend this course to all laboratory staff personnel, managers included, especially in these days where medical laboratory has become the right hand and an open eye of evidence-based medicine.

    This course pitches you up beyond the stars through illuminating the path to ISO 15189 and without excuse the international laboratory accreditation is at your sight and you really can smell its odor. 

    Many thanks to Katy, course organizers and coordinators, to our knowledgeable, humble and skilled facilitators of this course; through their encouragement the course went smoothly and sweet. 


    JMV Ngendakabaniga

  • Thank you Katy for to provide me the chance to attend this important trainings. I have learnt a lot things not only in the laboratory but also in routine life. This trainings provided me the high skills on how ISO 15189 can be simplified in simple language of processes approach.

    I recommend that every lab manager and quality manager can participate in this training as most as the role they play in laboratory management.

    Sales: This SLMTA E -learning is good, it is a great opportunities to exchange with worldwide community, the courses content are rich, the homework are flexible.

    Therefore I recommend every one who works in the laboratory to take this course.

    Thank you

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